Raja Jadlaoui (University of Sfax)

Abstract. The linguistic heterogeneity in the work of J.M.G. Le Clézio is the sum of a whole initiatory journey which began with his trips all over the world. But his identification with Mauritius, where he spent most of his life, had a profound effect on his writings which, over the years, became more heterogeneous than hybrid both on the discursive and the enunciative level, thereby recalling the mixed-race and tolerant culture of the island. Consequently, the Leclezian text has become a series of signs and morphemes from different languages and dialects forming composite and heterogeneous syntagms, close to gibberish, honoring the voices of the cosmos and the era of kitsch. This article seeks to identify the Leclezian language practices and tries to find on which linguistic technique the discourse is based, knowing that basically, the psychosocial education of the writer, his wanderings and his ideals have encouraged him to engage to denounce a certain “linguistic colonialism”.
Keywords: heterogeneity; hybridity; foreign language; onomatopoeia; psychosocial; colonialism; world literature.
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